Anger/Violence, Family Violence & Stress Management

Choice Counseling offers the state certified 24 week Anger/Violence (AV) and a Family Violence Intervention Program (FVIP) that is both effective and engaging, to address domestic violence related issues.  We offer small groups that focus on issues of accountability and control; along with focusing on more effective communication skills and lifestyle changes.

Family Violence in Georgia… A Community Problem

Did you know that nearly one third of American women report being either physically or sexually abused by a loved one at some point during their lives? Or did you know that domestic violence and sexual assault are the leading causes of injury for women between the ages of 15 and 44 in Georgia? We need your help. Concerned citizens, medical professionals, business professionals, law enforcement, clergy, educators, judges, attorneys, etc… we need your leadership to strengthen Georgia’s families by helping to end violence in our communities. Join your local Domestic Violence Task Force and play a part. To learn more contact our office. If you or someone you know is the victim of domestic violence please call the free state wide domestic violence hotline at: 1-800-33-Haven

Anger/Stress Management

Choice Counseling also offers a comprehensive anger/stress management program to aid in behavior modification and the reduction of stressful life issues.